

13 Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategies for 2021 & Beyond

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The coming of 2021 has made us realize that life is unpredictable and one should always be ready for the battleground. Being e-commerce ready is one such armor.

With more and more people shifting to Ecommerce websites rather than physical stores, this is your cue to pull up your socks and get on with your online business. The number one way to make consumers aware of your products and services is obviously by marketing but since marketing is a tricky subject, you must dive into an extensive research for best results.

Here, we have listed down some of the Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategies for 2021 & Beyond.


1. Keep it simple with infographics

A picture speaks more than a thousand words. In this fast-paced world, information must be communicated swiftly, simply, and clearly in order to be effectively disseminated and understood. Organize your website data into concise infographics to keep the attention of the reader while conveying information efficiently.


2. Video is the new thing

With the entire lockdown scenario, viewers are spending more time online than ever before, which is awesome if you’re an eCommerce business. Begin by observing your FAQ page, try to answer with videos, making it more personalized. Use your social media channels to amplify video content and analyze engagement. Make an effort to host daily video segments where users can enter contests, interact, and more.


3. Smart ad placement

There’s nothing that drives away visitors faster than website congestion. Placing too many videos, pop-up, and text ads close together or near the navigation bar is a strict no-no. Instead, make use of fewer ads and place them at a distance from your content. This will ensure that your viewers don’t get confused and will encourage them to browse through your content properly. After all, what matters is quality, not quantity.


4. No contact page? No can do.

A contact page is an absolute gem for any business website. The contact page facilitates communication between the service provider and the customer. It is what users will refer to if they have any queries with regard to the services you provide. The lack of a contact page will increase the likelihood of the website bouncing and might even boost the traffic on your competitor’s website.


5. Let's go for virtual events

Customers pay more for good interactive experiences. Creating customer-centric experiences is vital for online retailers. Live feeds and virtual events are set to take the stage. Connect with local bands to offer live music. Invite influencers and industry motivators to engage in conversations.


6. Introduce exciting discounts

It is a fact that customers love a good discount. Announce discounts on your social media channels a day before so that they can sign up. Introducing discounts appeals to customers and pulls them back for more purchases on the site.


7. Reduce loading time by de-cluttering

Optimize the images on your website to require reduced bandwidth without compromising on their resolution. Get rid of plug-ins that aren’t required to make your website more user-friendly.

8. Use podcasts

Identify podcasts that your target customers most likely listen to, and set up advertising deals with them. This is sure to attract more clients for your products and services.


9. Start with personalized e-mails

Email marketing is one of the best Ecommerce marketing strategies to use. Consumers enjoy reading fresh content and receiving promo codes, special offers, sales, and discounts by favorite brands, especially if they are personalized. Mix written and visual content and nurture your email marketing list to generate higher traffic, close more conversions, and boost profit.


10. Bring your A-game with aesthetics

Do away with the dull and repetitive. Monotony is the primary reason behind website bouncing. Jazz things up with bright images and bold headings. ‘Aesthetics’ is the name of the game and the website’s visuals must please their eyes, in order for you to win their hearts.


11. Call of action must be prominent

Users decide on a website’s appeal in a matter of seconds. To keep the user’s interest, you must optimize the website so that it instantly displays a description of your services and products. Your call to action must be clearly visible.


12. Routine tests make for the best

Make sure to monitor your website regularly to ensure and take care of harmful bugs to facilitate its smooth functioning.


13. Display customer reviews

Customer reviews can do wonders for your website. They play a significant role in turning a visitor into a customer. Users are drawn in by success stories, so, convert your testimonials into success stories and incorporate story-telling tools like audios, videos, and illustrations.


With Motivate Connection, you can now get ecommerce marketing strategies done-for-you at affordable prices. Get in touch today for a consultation!



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